Blue Eye Samurai is an original adult animated action series from creators Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, set in 17th-century Edo-period Japan, Blue Eye Samurai follows Mizu (voiced by Maya Erskine), a mixed-race master of the sword who lives a life in disguise seeking to deliver revenge.
In 17th-century Japan, when borders are closed to the outside world, citizens would never see a face that was not Japanese, except in rare cases of illegal trade. Our hero, Mizu, knows there were only four white men in Japan at the time of her birth and sets off to kill these men, one of whom is her father, who made her a "creature of shame." But revenge is not an option for women, so Mizu must forge her revenge quest while hiding her gender as well as her blue eyes.
Blue Eye Samurai is now streaming on Netflix
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